Overcoming things that you are Ashamed of!!

Things you are ashamed of very often!

Muhammad Farrukh
10 min readAug 19, 2021

The simplest definition I could have of our society is this saying: “Be yourself — no, not like this.” Because even though we are told to “let go and be free” this is not really how society sees it. As one deviant little person I know I have been faced many, many times with people saying things such as “This is not how you do things”; “there is a reason why it has always been like this it is because it works” or “What will people say.” Well personally I could not give a rat’s ass about what “people” will say. The only people I care about are my friends and family. Family doesn’t always have to know, and for my friends I will use my favourite quote by the genius Dr.Seuss “Say what you want and be who you are, because those who matter don’t mind, and those who matter don’t mind.” So here it goes, another list of things that should be obvious but really aren’t.

  1. Not liking going out. Okay so you’re what is commonly called a book worm, and your idea of a great wine is somewhere between being alone with tea& your favourite book or you + a few very close friends drinking wine. That’s cool too. Plus with this hipster trend, book worms are totally in.

